Posts Tagged ‘Lent’

1. Lent

Despite the fact that I don’t really subscribe to any sort of organized religion, I always use lent as an excuse to either better myself through giving up something very challenging. This year, deciding on what to give up was surprisingly difficult in and of itself. I consulted a few friends, but the same items kept coming up; chocolate, alcohol, meat, etc., etc. However, in 2007, I gave up chocolate, 2008 was processed food, 2009 was meat and last year, I gave up swearing (with about 80% success, haha). I considered giving up alcohol, but I kinda just decided to do that in life, anyway. In any case, finding something new was difficult. My amazing revelation occurred this morning, while playing squash. My partner turned to me and said, “Yo, you should give up listening to music on your iPod!” Sheer brilliance. I think this is going to be the most difficult lent yet, as I am very rarely found without headphones in. I’ve decided that I will give myself the allowance of listening to music while I work out, but nowhere else. I will keep you updated on my absolute agony.

2. DJ Tiesto

Late in every winter, when I am absolutely being driven bonkers by the severe lack of spring in my life, I enter an epic electronica phase. I generally love it, but it’s pretty much all I listen to come February/March. This time ’round, I’ve been fiending DJ Tiesto like crazy. Listen to this song and be transported.

3. My now-defunct sweats

Here’s the thing: I play a lot of sports and always have, and having a pair of sweats to throw on between games, performances, and to and from activities has always been paramount. My hideous navy sweats from Costco have served this purpose for me since grade 8. Yes. Grade 8. When I was 5’2″ and teeny. I am now 10 inches taller, and actually have the build of a woman, but they STILL FIT. Can you imagine my distress when I realized I had a tennis ball-sized hole in the crotch of my darling sweats?! Disaster. I am now just waiting for the new sweats Imma buy to come in at the University bookstore…stupid backorder.

4. Successful lunch experiment #892347

I ate grilled chicken breast with sauteed red onions & corn, and then put some improvised peanut sauce all up on it. SO delicious. Mix sour cream, peanut butter & paprika, then heat a bit. Golden!

5. A sexy car

I really like the R8. Deal with it.

Bis später!