Posts Tagged ‘Traveling’


Posted: August 16, 2012 in Uncategorized
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I don’t think it’ll quite sink in until I’m actually getting off my plane in San Antonio, but tomorrow is TEXAS TIME! My flight leaves for Chicago at 9:30, but I’m getting to the airport at 6:30 in anticipation of customs (I hope they’re gentle with the gloves)…I should be arriving in TEXAS at 2:39 LOCAL TIME (it sounds more dramatic that way).

In any case, next time I check in, this girl’s gonna be wearin’ a cowboy hat and doing the awkward cowgirl shuffle around tahwn.

Adios, Canada and I’ll see you around Christmas!


P.s. This will be me:

I went to bed late on Saturday, so I decided that yesterday would be a beautiful, lazy Sunday. I turned off my alarm, slept in, forewent the gym in favour of sitting around in the living room with my family. By the time I rolled out of bed, at 8:30, my parents had found a great deal online and booked our annual family vacay tickets! I was hell-bent on traveling on my own this year, but an all-inclusive vacay for zero dollars won over actually paying for things. The added bonus is that I get to plan out our itinerary for our first & last stop: München, Germany! We’ll also be visiting the Dolomites, Makarska, Zagreb & Sarajevo, but my responsibility lies only in Deutschland-related planning.

Current list of places to visit:
1. BMW Museum

I think this stop is pretty self-explanatory to anybody that knows me at all. I’ve been borderline obsessed with BMWs cars ever since I can remember, so visiting this museum is probably going to give me a heart attack of pleasure.

2. Hirschgarten

What is this magical place? ANSWER: It is a beer garden. In a forest. With deer. It seats 8000. Germany brings me so much joy, and I have yet to properly visit it (hanging out in its airports doesn’t really count). Beer. Forest. Deer. Seriously!

3. Peterskirche

The architecture in Bavaria is pretty extraordinary, so I felt that visiting the oldest church in München would be a great idea. Plus, it is gorgeous!

4. Marienplatz

Another beautiful European square that I can’t wait to visit and explore. Again, it’s architecturally epic, and despite the fact that a lot of this area was damaged during WWII, it’s been rebuilt and it still looks like it did back in the 1800s. Drool.

I fully intend on adding another place or two to this list (Viktualienmarkt, anyone?), but the fact is that we won’t be staying that long, and we can only fit so much. Ah well. Plus, I am to eat everything in my vicinity; Würste, Leberkässemmeln, Bretzeln, etc., etc.


As far as the rest of my Sunday was concerned, I had the most ab-intensive Bellywood class I’ve had yet, which was epically fun, and after that, I ran straight to coaching. I’ve been replacing one of the other coaches for a few weeks now, so the girls know and like me, which makes everything a ton easier. Plus, extra money! Whoo! My lazy Sunday turned into something a touch less lazy, but it was still badawesome.

Bis später!

P.S. I am so not in the mood to spend 7.5 hours on campus today…kill me.

Teaching English Abroad?

Posted: March 2, 2011 in Uncategorized
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Being faced with the many incredible possibilities awaiting me after I graduate, I find myself a touch overwhelmed. The prospect of finding a “real job” is scary, so I’ve been trying to think about it as little as possible. However, last night, I went to an information session for a TESOL course and the more time that I spent sitting there, poring over the pamphlets they gave me, the more this idea appealed to me. I love traveling and have been looking for an easy way to get back to Europe and frolic around, completely immersed in culture…so this lined up really well! It looks like I’ll be taking the ESL teaching course after I finish exams, and we’ll see where we go from there. The countries I’m going to be looking at are probably Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Croatia (how great would that be?!), but there’s plenty of time to make decisions yet. This may be the ideal situation for me; taking a year off from all the science I’ve done to explore another country and make money, and then return to normal life and begin looking for a career. After all, I’m young and have quite a bit of time to make something of myself after I graduate…

Moving on. I just scared myself thinking about…the future…and need to take a break. Here’s a sexy car for you (well, it’s more for me):

In any case, there will be updates on this as I try to figure out exactly what is up with life.

By the way, today’s lunch is a chili-seasoned scrambled egg & roasted red pepper spread panini with cut wax beans. Just sayin’.