Posts Tagged ‘Why can’t I speak like a normal human’

Now that I am pretty comfortable with the semester’s work, my crazy baking urges have returned. I had some spare time (read: I was pretending I had nothing to do) yesterday, so I decided to make dinner for the family. This is what happened:

I made a chicken & veg pasta casserole! I am continuing my adventures by baking some cookies for my OCVL team, as we have a game tonight. Since I only have to be in the lab for about 30 minutes today to do a presentation, I’ve got this 6 hour gap that could be better spent studying. Naturally, I’m going to bake some cookies. It makes sense, right? Or something.

Without further ado, I present to you…

The Oatmeal & Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (Loosely based on the recipe found at Love & Olive Oil)

Seeing as how I don’t actually believe in “measuring,” all the values were approximated using scientific eyeballing and tactile texture-sensing. 99% of the time, it works every time. All kidding aside, my (very picky) 15-year-old brother is currently trying to inhale multiple cookies at the same time, so I think this batch turned out well! As for me, the intoxicating smell of peanut butter is definitely still lingering in my house, and I feel drunk off of cookies. Awkward. There’s also the fact that I ate more dough than I baked, but that’s another matter entirely. The only complaint I’d have about this recipe is that it’s definitely lacking in oatmealy goodness, but that’s also to taste. Next time, I’m full-out going to double the oatmeal content and enjoy picking bits out of my teeth. It’s how I pick up all the men; you’re just jealous.

With a batch of deliciousness successfully delivered unto the Earth, I am off to get ready for my OCVL game tonight!

Bis später!

P.S. My lab partner and I KILLED the presentation; the TAs were impressed. V: 1, School: 0